Thursday, March 26, 2015

Healthy and Delicious Cookies


1) Sugar                                     - 1/2 Cup
2) Brown Sugar                         - 1 Cup
3) Cinnamon powder                 - 1/4 Tsp
4) Baking powder                      - 1 Tsp
5) Flaxseed powder                    - 1 TbSp
6) Nutmeg powder                     - 1/4 Tsp
7) Vanilla extract or Essence     - 1 1/2 Tsp
8)  Salted butter                          -100-115 gms
9)  Dark chocolate powder         -1/2 TbSp (Optional)
10) Oats Flour                            - 1 Cup
11) Oats                                      - 1 Cup
12 ) Multigrain flour                  - 1 Cup
13) Raisin                                  - 1 Cup
14) Milk (use as per need)         - 1/2 Cup


1) First mix all dry ingredients in one bowl - Multigrain Flour, Oats Flour, Oats, flaxseed, nutmeg, baking powder, cinnamon powder, chocolate powder, raisin

2) In other bowl take all wet ingredients:
 Stir butter (before using bring the butter to room temperature so its soft enough to mix) with help of hand blender. Add both the sugar, vanilla extract and stir on high speed for atleast 10 mins. Ensure the mixture is good and looks like paste.

3) Now add the dry mixture half cup each time and keep stirring continuously.

4) Add milk as per need. (if the mixture is very dry and not binding then milk would help)

5) now let the dough stay for 10 -20 mins.

6) Parallel Pre heat oven at 400 F - This will take approx 10- 15 mins

7) make small balls and place in cookie tray. Ensure all the balls are of same size. Keep some space in between each ball as on heating it will spread.

8) Bake for 15-20 mins based on how crunchy you like.


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